Monday, December 26, 2016

The Body Electric by Beth Revis

The Body Electric has been sitting waiting for me to read for well over a year now but I just kept on shuffling it to the bottom of the deck. I finally decided it was time to pick it up and read it and I am glad that I did.

Beth Revis has a knack for Sci-Fi and easily entertains someone like me who isn't a huge fan of the genera. The story is cut into little chapters, which makes it a breeze to read and allows for excellent stopping points. The best thing is when you come back to the book, you easily slide back into it.

There is quite a bit of technological, futuristic devices but Revis doesn't hamper you down with details and explains them with ease. I was never left scratching my head or wishing the passage explaining
them was over.

Ella Shepard's mother has created the technology that allows for people to relive their memories when in a dream state. Her father was killed in the lab he was using to create technological advances. Ella's mother is dying and in an effort to help her mother she learns to insert herself into peoples dreams and memories.

Ella is approached by Jack, who gives her a warning to be careful. Jack who she has no memories of because they have been erased. Ella finds herself in a situation in which she is left with no choice but to trust Jack because she has no one else.

This book took a bit to get into and was fairly entertaining but not as good as Revis ""Across the Universe" series. I suspect it had to do with the fact that some of the elements from that series pops up in this one, which gives you an inkling of what is happening. The book is too predictable for my liking but I wouldn't rule out reading it based on that.

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