Thursday, August 6, 2015

Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer

Sixteen year old Jam, has been sent to a therapeutic school in, Vermont. She is in the process of recovering from a traumatic event. She quickly finds herself part of an elusive class taught by Mrs. Quenelle.
The students in this class each have their own, harrowing life changing event in which they must overcome or come to peace with. 

Mrs. Quenelle gives each student in the class a journal to write in, to record their thoughts and feelings. They quickly find out that these journals are special and serve a purpose. They are transported to a world called, Belzhar. 

As the pages in their journals fill up they realize that they time they have in, Belzhar is limited. They will be forced to make some difficult choices. 

Each character's event is unveiled in their own voice and touching. Wolitzer gives each character their own voice and writes a story that will keep you memorized.

Grade: A

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