Thursday, October 20, 2011

Glow by Kathleen Ryan

Glow started off interesting enough. The concept was great and similar to Across the Universe, two giant space ships that are capable of sustaining life over a long period of time are sent from earth to colonize a new planet deep in space.

Then -- one ship overtakes the other and kidnaps all the young teenage girls, leaving a ship of just teenage boys to fend for themselves. -Very Lord of the Flies like such as, the boys fighting amongst themselves.

The books up to this point is pretty good, then things turn ugly and things start to get a bit silly and characterization takes a downward drive. Furthermore the author "sneaks" religion into this book, which is off putting and quite tricky as the back cover and inside flap of the book, make no mention of it.

Some are comparing this to Hunger Games and Divergent -- they are wrong, wrong, wrong!

If you feel compelled to read this , check it out from your local library or borrow it. I'm still not sure if I will be reading the succeeding books as.... I don't like to be, tricked into reading books that are of a high religious, manner.

Grade: D

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