Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord


First published August 13, 2024

I loved The Break-Up Pact! 
June and Levi were best friends in High School and then like many friendships it ended. They haven't spoken in over 10 years and they likely wouldn't have except they both are deal the ultimate humiliation of viral break ups!

 Poor June becomes known as the "crying girl". A viral meme of her is making the rounds on social media is hurting her business. Something her beloved sister worked so hard to put together. If she can't drum up more business and money she might lose the lease to the tea shop.

Levi has fled New York after his girlfriend has left him for a celebrity. Levi's dream has always been to be a writer. Maybe this break will help his dreams come to fruition - that if if he can write anything decent and get over his writers block.

June and Levi discover that they are living in the same city and while out and about a photograph is snapped that suggest there is more going on then there really is. J

June and Levi use this as an opportunity to act like they are dating (maybe they will get their significant others back or make the jealous!) and convince everyone they are in love.

The romance builds beautifully and is carefully crafted. The relationships in the novel between all the characters not just June and Levi are quite realistic. There is one character the breaks my heart and it might make your eyes leak a bit too. 

Don't start this book at night unless you plan to stay up all night reading. 

*** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

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