Monday, October 26, 2015

In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware

In a Dark, Dark Wood was interesting enough -- but I didn't really "root" for anyone character or relate to any of them.

I was much more interesting in the life of the characters before, then current day. Basically what happens is that a group of friends get together in a cabin in the middle on nowhere for a bachelorette party. A long ago friend, who has become a recluse of sorts is unexpectedly invited, she hesitantly accepts the invitation to join her long lost group of friends.
The group gathers together and some peculiar things begin to occur,  Nora, Lee whatever her name is --- wakes up in the hospital with memory loss and injuries. Lenora needs to uncover what happened in order to clear her name. The story jumps back and forth here from current day, to the days of the bachelorett party to the days of 16 year old, Lenora.

The stories of the past and all the characters are so much more interesting then what is going on in current day. I hope, Ware does a prequel! 

Overall the read is enjoyable and uncovering the mystery is fun! An easy read!

Grade: B

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy by Thomas Buergenthal and Elie Wiesel

Thomas Buergentha, 11 years old have already lived his short life inside of two ghettos and a working camp. He had been separated from his parents and was left, "alone", in Auschwitz. This is his life, his story.

I wouldn't call his survival luck because what happened to Thomas Buergentha wasn't lucky -- had luck truly been on his side, he would never have ended up in  Auschwitz, ghettos or working camps. What Thomas had was nothing short of a miracle. He was a survivor and there are very few left to tell their stories of survival. Each story should be read so that this horrible atrocity is not repeated.

Thomas's story is about hope and resilience. His is an example of forgivness, dignity and compassion.
He has made it his life mission to be an advocate for human right and has served as a specialist in international law and human rights law and  judge on the International Court of Justice -- but those are only a few of the things he has accomplished. To understand his passion one must read what happened to him as a young child.

- Never Forget

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Thousand Miles to Freedom: My Escape from North Korea by Eunsun Kim and Sébastien Falletti

Every now and then you read a book that gives you some perspective. This is one of those books.

Eunsun Kim, her mother and sister embark on a harrowing escape of leaving oppressive, North Korea.  Eunsun was only 11 years old when her mother decided that in order for them to live, they must leave North Korea. They were all alone in the world, had sold most of their belongings are were near starvation. It was essentially stay in North Korea and die to take the risk of punishment and death in order to survive.

The plan is to cross the Tumen River into China and live their lives there are illegal aliens. This proves be be difficult but not without fruition. This is a testament of the will to survive, love and sacrifice. This would be an excellent read for a book club.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer

To be honest --- I wasn't sure if, I would even like "Off the Page" but since Jodi Picoult's name was on it, I had to read it. I devour everything she puts out. I was more than pleasantly surprised.
I ended up loving this gem of a novel. It is so much fun and super cute with a fairy tale spin on it.

Delilah has a major crush on Prince Oliver (a fictional character from this book Between the Lines) and it would be more then fair to say the feelings are mutual. Prince Oliver finds a way out of the book and manages to join the "real world". Chaos ensues in both "real life" and Prince Oliver's book, in which all the characters run-a-muk.

The best part of the book is you get the view of three characters adding another fun and interesting element to story. I have one complaint and it's because it broke my heart...but I won't tell you what it is because I don't want to give it away!

A lot more fun and interesting things happen, you will have to pick up the book to find out. I promise it is much, much better then "Between the Lines", which has been my least favorite book of hers.

Grade: A

Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #4) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Claudia and Mean Janine is the 4th book and I read it after book 5! I would recommend reading them in order due to minor information but it...