Saturday, August 31, 2024

Nothing Like The Movies (Better than the movies #2) Lynn Painter

Expected publication September 24, 2024

Nothing Like The Movies is the sequel to Better Than The Movies and it doesn't disappoint. Wes and Liz are about to start their lives at UCLA but a tragic event results in Wes leaving and moving back home. These two love birds try to make long distance work but Wes ends the relationship. They are both broken hearted.

Liz's sadness can be felt pouring out of the pages. You feel her grief and confusion regarding the ending of their relationship. Time passes and Liz undergoes a variety of changes. Liz is finally in a happier place when Wes comes back into her life and attempts to win her back but it's going to be a lot harder than he bargained for. 

The story is told in POV and as the story unravels your heart breaks for both Wes and Liz.  Supporting characters add a lot to this book making the story realistic. You feel as though you are in the midst of your friends life. I enjoyed revisiting these two characters because I felt their story wasn't over. Painter has written another out of the ballpark book! 

** I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Full Speed to a Crash Landing (Chaotic Orbits #1) by Beth Revis


This book just came out on the 6th of the month. I had no idea Beth Revis had another book coming out. I really enjoyed her Across the Universe series but didn't care too much for the others. Actually I tried two but couldn't finish them. Full Speed to a Crash Landing is very reminiscent of her Across the Universe series. 

It takes place far in the future, in space and deals with heists and romance. Our main character Ada Lamarr is a looter but she's in a pickle. Her spacesuit is running out of an air which means death for her. Luckily she convinces a government salvage crew to let her aboard their ship and help her out. 

Life aboard the ship is filled with luxuries such a fine food but Agent Rian White has his eye on Ada. He is attracted to her but also suspicious of her. The plot is engaging  and clever. Expect a cliffhanger ending.  This is a super fast read as it's a novella.  Next book in the series will be out in December. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Smoke (Burned, #2) by Ellen Hopkins

Smoked is the second installment in the Burned series. It picks up shortly after Burned ends. I am going to be a bit vague with this review as I just reviewed the first book within days of finishing this one and I don't want to spoil anything. 

Pattyn is on the run. Jackie (Pattyn's sister) is left at home to deal with issues that no young person should have to. Pattyn meets a young woman on the bus who takes her under her wing and she ends up living in California. Pattyn makes a life for herself their but her past continues to haunts her. 

The story is told from Pattyn and Jackie's point of view. Both characters have a lot of growth and the story flows beautifully. Expect a lot of emotions. Hopkins know hows to capture the way teens think, talk and their fears. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord


First published August 13, 2024

I loved The Break-Up Pact! 
June and Levi were best friends in High School and then like many friendships it ended. They haven't spoken in over 10 years and they likely wouldn't have except they both are deal the ultimate humiliation of viral break ups!

 Poor June becomes known as the "crying girl". A viral meme of her is making the rounds on social media is hurting her business. Something her beloved sister worked so hard to put together. If she can't drum up more business and money she might lose the lease to the tea shop.

Levi has fled New York after his girlfriend has left him for a celebrity. Levi's dream has always been to be a writer. Maybe this break will help his dreams come to fruition - that if if he can write anything decent and get over his writers block.

June and Levi discover that they are living in the same city and while out and about a photograph is snapped that suggest there is more going on then there really is. J

June and Levi use this as an opportunity to act like they are dating (maybe they will get their significant others back or make the jealous!) and convince everyone they are in love.

The romance builds beautifully and is carefully crafted. The relationships in the novel between all the characters not just June and Levi are quite realistic. There is one character the breaks my heart and it might make your eyes leak a bit too. 

Don't start this book at night unless you plan to stay up all night reading. 

*** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Haters by Robyn Harding

Published July 9. 2024

Camryn Lane has just published her first novel. She is out celebrating when she receives an email on her authors account. The email is nasty and accusatory. Then a one star review appears on the popular READEM book site. Then more and more one star reviews appear. Then online harassment rears it's ugly head and soon everything is leaking into her personal life and Camryn can't trust anyone. She's always wanted to be an author but her dream might end before it even begins. 

  Camryn is a high school counselor and she is being accused of using her students personal life stories for her book. The accusations are false but this doesn't stop trolling which only makes Camryn spiral further. Her obsession to clear her name and fight against the accusations that she exploits the students might be her undoing. 

The Haters starts off strong and everyone is suspect but then it dwindles. It's difficult to keep up a high level of pace and interest in a book so this isn't necessarily a bad thing but it pulls you out of the book for a while. Camryn isn't a likable character but that works for this book and makes her more real.

The Haters is interesting and has creepy moments. It's worth taking the time to read.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Emma and Jesse are high school sweethearts. They have built a life
together far away from their family and friends. They travel and go on adventures together. Despite it being their one year anniversary Jesse goes on an adventure and the helicopter he is on goes missing. Jesse is declared dead. 

The death of her husband is profound and in order to put her life back together Emma quits her job and moves back home. Years after Jesses death Emma runs into an old schoolmate and friend named Sam.  Emma and Sam find themselves falling in love with one another and become engaged. Shortly after Jesse is back from the dead and Emma has to figure out who and what she wants in her life. Will it be Sam or Jesse?

The love stories in this book are so touching and incredibly sweet. Love triangles are not usually my thing but this one works. You want both men to have their happiness with Emma and know that only one can this leaves you anxious and on edge. This book broke my heart but it also gave me the ending I wanted. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Burned Series (Burned #1) by Ellen Hopkins

Pattyn Von Stratten is a teenage girl who wants to be like any normal teen girl but she is being raised in a religious and abusive household. Pattyn starts to questions things such as G*d, love, sex, boys and the role women play in the world. 

Pattyn's father catchers her with a boy and as punishment sends her to live with her aunt in rural Nevada. Pattyn develops a close relationship with her Aunt, starts to discover herself as a person and meets a boy. 

Ethan is sweet, caring and kind. She finds love, acceptance and her worth not just with Ethan but with her Aunt J. Life for Pattyn has improved vastly and she has happiness until her father calls demanding she return home. This sets things in motion that result in lives forever changed.

Hopkins writing draws you in and her coming of age story is an emotional one that explores many dark themes and breaks your heart. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Verity by Colleen Hoover

Lowen Ashleigh is given an opportunity to complete a series by famous author Verity Crawford. This involves living in Verity's home and go over her drafts and previous novels. While going through Verity's work, Lowen discovers her autobiography. The autobiography is shocking, dark and disturbing creating a book within a book.

The story unravels at a fast pace and the suspense builds keeping you turning the pages in order to discover what happens next.  Verity proves that she has a knack for writing thrillers and one could say that she writes them better than romance books. This book exceeded my expectations and I suggest if you've read hateful reviews about this book you give it a chance it just might surprise you. 


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Butcher & Blackbird: The Ruinous Love Trilogy, Book 1) by Brynne Weaver


Sloane and Rowan are two serial killers who take out other killers. The met up once a year to participate in a bloody and violent game to see who can take out a certain killer first. Along the way they get to know one another in this hate to love troupe. 

Sloane and Rowan are both surprisingly likable characters. The story takes place over years but that makes it darker and exciting. The writing is witty and some of the scenes get under your skin giving you the creepy crawlies! 

It's been storming quite a bit where I am at and we had a few tornado warnings while reading this book which added to the creep factor. I think this would be an excellent book to read around Halloween! If you a fan of Dexter this book is for you. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales

Maya and Skye both share an ex-boyfriend named Jory. Maya's relationship ended when Jory cheated on her and Skye isn't exactly sure why their relationship ended. All she knows is that Jory broke her heart. 

Both women are invited to participate in a reality dating show called Second Romance in which they along with 4 other women will compete for Jory's love and attention. Maya and Skye are both out for revenge making this book full of delicious and salacious moments. 

This is a fluff ready and the idea of exes being contestants on a reality show makes it fun. There is a lot of drama and it's told from several points of view giving a lot of insight into characters and what motivates them. 

Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #4) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Claudia and Mean Janine is the 4th book and I read it after book 5! I would recommend reading them in order due to minor information but it...