Saturday, April 29, 2023

Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter

Mr. Wrong Number had me laughing. Olivia is having a rough go at things in life. Her boyfriend broke up with her and she lost her job. She needs a place to stay. Her brother Jack and his roommate agree to let her stay with them for a month. Olivia moves in only to find out that Jack's roommate is Colin. Colin and Jack have been best friends forever. Olivia and Colin have never had the best relationship. Their relationship is based on trading insults and wisecracks. 

Olivia vents to her anonymous friend that she has connected with via a wrong number. Their connect is based on not knowing the other making it easier to be open and free with their thoughts. This makes for some real and intimate "talks".  

This book is a page turner which makes it easy to read in one or two days! 

I Will Find You by Harlan Coben


David Burroughs is serving life in prison for the murder of his three year old son. His marriage ended and he has been in prison for 5 years. During this time he has refused visitors and maintained his claim of innocence. Due to a lack of paperwork and/or knowledge his former sister-in-law shows up and he has no choice but to visit with her. The information, Rachel reveals a photo of a young boy who looks just like his dead son, Matthew. The boy in the photo is alive and is convincing enough that David decides he is going to do what it takes to escape prison and find his son. 

David escapes. The FBI is searching for him and they are only one step behind. Rachel is in cahoots with them and David needs to find his son and prove he is alive before he is captured. 

I Will Find You is well written and full of twists. There are moments of disbelief but that doesn't slow down the pace of this fast action book. Buckle up because you are in for a ride. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Station Eleven (Television Tie-in): A Novel Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabridged Emily St. John Mandel (Author), Kirsten Potter (Narrator), Random House Audio (Publisher)


Station Eleven is one of those books I felt that I NEEDED to read. I've picked it up twice and DNF'd it. I watched the TV series on HBO Max and loved it. I picked up the book again and it just was NOT grabbing my attention. Luckily, my local library had an audio book to check out. Normally audio books aren't my cup of tea. They take much longer to listen to than to read. I get distracted and lose where I am in the book and have to back pedal over and over again. This time .... I was 100% surprised and found myself pleasantly surprised and enjoying an audio book. I was entertained. Before I continue with the review I do have to say that the TV Series and book are quite differe
nt but each story is equally moving. 

Station Eleven takes place during and after a pandemic. The Georgian Flu wipes out 99.6% of the worlds population. Those left behind have to navigate a new world, figure out how to go on living and surviving as the world collapses and the very things we take for granted cease to exist. 

A group of actors travel from one section to another to entertain others with theatre. As they explore we learn about the new society and what people have lost and gained. We learn about the evils of humanity and also how humans can come together and be kind.

My favorite portions of the book took place during the pandemic. The after parts were a bit dull. I can't recommend reading the book but I can recommend listening to it on audio. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Second Ending By Michelle Hoffman

 Expected publication May 30, 2023

Do you ever read a book and you like it but you cringe at all the incorrect information in it? Nearly all the information regarding HOAs is wrong, wrong, wrong causing a lot of frustration on my part as a reader. I am well versed in HOA as I use to be a property manager.  You can't be hired or paid to be on the Board of Directors. You have to be a member of the HOA and elected into the position. As the president you also can't make a lot of decisions on your own. Majority of decisions are made by the board via a vote in a public meeting. Board Members can't just make up  things such as fines as they have legally binding documents to follow ... but I digress. Let's get started on the major storyline. 

Prudence Child is a former child prodigy.  She was/is a pianist. Alexei Petrov is a piano virtuoso.  They each are dealing with their own pressures in life and when given the opportunity they both decide to partake in a TV show that puts them competing against one another for a cash prize. They both need to win the prize because not winning would leave their lives in shatters. 

Hoffman tells an engaging story that is stirs emotions inside. Be prepared to feel angry, sad and joyful as the story unravels and you learn about each character, their background stories and why they need to win the contest. 

* I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Jar of Hearts Book by Jennifer Hillier


Geo, Angela and Kaiser were the best of friends navigating High School together. Their friendship seemed  unbreakable until Calvin entered the picture resulting in a breakdown in the friendship something most of us has experienced. 

Initially Angela was interested in Calvin but he had eyes for Geo. Geo is sweet, innocent and naive and finds herself in a rapidly growing relationship with Calvin.  A relationship that turns out to unhealthy and 14 years later results in her going to prison. 

Geo does her time and returns to the very home she grew up in. The home across from the area where her friends dead boy was found. The community is not in favor of her return which is compounded when a few dead bodies appear in the same area her friend was found buried and chopped to bits in.  The MO is nearly the same and as the story unravels you will find yourself enthralled with the story and spending you time reading in order to find out what happens.

This is the first book I have read by Jennifer Hillier and I am beyond impressed and wished I have discovered her earlier. Jar of Hearts is told in five parts and alternates between the present and the past. The end is shocking. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover

It Starts With Us is the second book in the It Ends With Us series. I highly suggest you read the books in order.  

Lily and Ryle are no longer a couple. The are divorced and working at co parenting their daughter. Everything seems to be going well until Atlas an old flame of Lily's come into the picture.   The development of this relationships creates issue between Lily and Ryle. 

The book explores the different aspects in each relationship. Some beautiful and some cringy and slightly frightening. Hoover reveals Atlas's past making him an even more likeable character. 

I don't usually go for romance novels or even like them but I have found that I enjoy this series. I is an easy read with an emotional punch. Hoover knows how to make unlikable characters likable and sympathetic all while making you hate them.  


Thursday, April 6, 2023

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

 Lily Bloom has just returned to Boston after attending the funeral of her dad in the small town in Maine she grew up in. She is seeking solace on the rooftop of a building when she finds herself joined by a man who is taking out his emotions on furniture. Ryle and Lily have a fairly emotional open conversation and part ways but their paths with cross again and change the course of both their lives.

Lily Blooms story is told i. present day tense and in flashbacks to her youth where we are introduced to Atlas. The story of their youth is sad yet beautifully haunting. 

Hoover's writing makes you fall in love with both Ryle and Atlas. This is genius because it shows you how difficult it can be to remove oneself from an abusive relationship. How hard it is to see the abusive part of a person  that lurks inside someone. 

This is a highly emotional read that pulls you in and an honest look into abusive relationships. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Writing Retreat Book by Julia Bartz

Alex works for a publishing company. She is unhappy in her job and her boss is bordering on evil. She had a fall out with her BFF, Wren. She is dealing with it by stalking her social media. Things start to look up when Alex and a few other women (including Wren!!!) are given the opportunity to attend a month long writing retreat with famous author, Roza Vallo.

The group of women are excited and nervous to work closely with Roza and win the prize of becoming a published author. Roza quickly sets rules for the women to follow. The hardest one is starting a brand new book, something Alex is struggling with since she has writers block. 

The writing schedule Roza has set it rigorous. Tension is high amongst some of the women. Roza is growing unhinged and then things get really strange and dark.  

The Writing Retreat starts off a bit slow. The build up is worth it thought because it becomes fast paced and exciting. The twists and turns make this book worth the read. 

Mary Anne Saves the Day: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #3) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Third book in the BSC series. Mary Anne is the main subject of this one. The BSC girls get into an argument and aren't talking! Mary Ann...