Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

The Road is a much better read the second time around. The first time I struggled with the writing style, sentence structure and dialogue. I recall being frustrated and struggling to finish it. It's been over 10 year since I read it and decided it was time to revisit it. I pulled it out of my collection, put it on my nightstand where it say for month.  I eventually picked it up and was more than surprised how much more enjoyable the read was this time around.

The Road is a post apocalyptic novel in which a father and his young son travel on foot through the burned out and ravaged lands of America in hopes to find a safe place to live. The world is dark, bleak and full of danger. Survival is the way of life and everyone is suspicious. Food is scarce, shoes are rare, the snow falls gray, the weather is cold and rain falls heavy.

The book is depressing, misanthropic but the young boy gives you visions of hope, trust and love.  The novel is bleak but shows the power of love and the will to survive.

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