Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Little Bit of Everything Lost by Stephanie Elliot

Stephanie Elliot has created a realistic world with flawed characters. Flawed characters are among the very best because they are real, they are relate able and they have traces of who you are inside of them.

I can't remember the last time a novel had me so captivated that, I finished it in under 24 hours. It was the last thing, I thought about before I went to bed and the first thing in the morning. I just had to know what happened!

Marine's story is of lost love and what ifs. It is told in present and past tense, moving seamlessly through, Marine's youth and present time. Elliot holds nothing back. The sex scenes will make you blush and you might learn and thing or two. She also tackles difficult subjects with finesse and compassion.

Marine was only 19 years old when she met Joe. Their relationships was intense and what one would call "crazy love". Marine was head over heals in love and then Joe dropped out of her life as quickly as he entered it, shattering her and putting her in an emotional downward spiral. Fast forward 15 years later and Joe re-enters her life, making her tackle past and present issues.

This is one book you don't want to miss. I have never  linked back to an authors book before but I feel compelled to do so with this one. You can order, Stephanie's book here.

I loved every single part of this book and can't wait to see what, Stephanie has in store for us next. I just hope that the next book I get to read is one I pick up off the book shelf at my local bookstore.

Grade: A ++

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