Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

I really, really wanted to like Beauty Queen but I just couldn't get into it. I had to push myself to finish it.

This book is absolutely absurd. The storyline is undeveloped, the characters are flat and stereotypical. The plot has a lot of potential but the satire genre doesn't quite work for this author. Perhaps it's because I have come to expect more from her and this particular book just falls short.

There wasn't one character I liked and the plot just spirals out of control.

Check this book out from the library if you must --- or borrow it. Don't waste your hard earned bucks.

So much goes on -- -- that I can't quite sum it up. Plane crash --- survivors come together --- they "colonize" --- pirates crash on the island --- a corporation wants to kill them --- crazy island creatures --- blah blah blah....

The only thing, I liked about this book was the cover!

Grade: D

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After Oz by Gordon McAlpine

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