Monday, September 1, 2008

Fourth Comings Megan Mccafferty

This novel is the most disappointing of the entire series. In fact it is quite dull. This book is barely tolerable and in many ways ruins the series. The end was the best part because well, it ends!
The writting style is not as quirky, entertaining or fun as the previous novels and I doubt i'll read the fifth installment unless a FREE copy is given to me. I refuse to waste money on a series this is quicky going down the drain.
From about page 50 to right before the end the book is slow, boring and the urge to skip pages increases with each passage.
Jessica's speak and antics makes me cringe but I do have to admit that I felt she made a good choice at the END of the book and that is possibly the only part of the book worth reading.

Grade: D-

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