Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Last Bookstore on Earth by Lily Braun-Arnold


Published January 7, 2025 

Liz Flannery has been living in an abandoned bookstore in New Jersey. She took refuge in it after a storm hit that decimated civilization and killed millions. She barters books for supplies with other survivors and rumor has it another storm is about to hit.  How will she survive it? She isn't ready.

Maeve breaks into the bookstore during the night seeking shelter and Liz catches her in the act. Both teens are wary of one another but they push thru and form a friendship. They decided to work together and prepare for the storm. 

 Things seem to be going well until Maeve's past comes back to haunt them and they are left to fight for their lives. 

The Last Bookstore on Earth wasn't exactly what I was anticipating. I expected more about the storms rather than little glimpses. This left me feeling disappointed. I wanted to know and "see" the fall of society however survivors guilt and learning to live in a world which society has changed vastly plays an important role. 

The characters are realistic and my favorite moments took place between Liz and customers who visited the bookstore.  Braun-Arnold paints a perfect picture of the bookstore. I could easily imagine it and place myself inside it. Reading this book was a bit of a struggle but I'm glad I read it despite disagreeing with the ending.

** I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exhange for an honest review. 

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