Saturday, September 26, 2020

Reputation by Sara Shepard

 Aldrich University has been hacked (along with other Universities but that's not all that important to the story). The hacker has released everyone's emails and dumped them into an easy search database. By everyone, I mean, staff, students, alumni and faculty. 

Imagine for a moment everything you use your email address for, everything you write to others or photos you send now - all of that can be easily read and found by ANYONE. Sounds terrible right? It is.

Rumors circulate and secrets are spilled things are heated but then they explode when Dr. Greg Strasser is found murdered in his home and his wife Kit Manning has no memory of getting home. Kit's sister an investigative reporter returns to her hometown determined to find out the truth about Greg because something doesn't sit right with her.

The story is told in many different point of views. There are many twists and turns and as the tangled weaved web is unraveled the pages turn themselves in an effort to the the resolution. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Craigslist Confessional: A Collection of Secrets from Anonymous Strangers by Helena Dea Bala

Are you a fan of Do you rush to see the new secrets post at midnight every Sunday? Do you own the books? If you answered yes to any of these questions this book is for you! If you don't know about Post Secret were have you been? Go visit it NOW.

Helena Dea Bala hates her job as a lobbyist . She feels unfulfilled but this is about to change after a visit with a homeless man who tells her, his story. This starts her on the path of meeting with strangers from Craigslist and hearing their stories, their secrets and who doesn't love secrets?

The secrets are short and make for a quick read. There is some emotional punch to them but it also gave me perspective on my life and it will probably do the same to you. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay

The Cabin at the End of the World starts of strong and the premise is intriguing. It was initially right up my alley  but then .... it kinda feel apart. It became too wordy and it felt as though Tremblay was trying to hard to fill space. The story itself could be cut in half and make a phenomenal novella! 

This book starts off with cute little Wren playing with grasshoppers, then turns into a horror show in which, Wren and her two fathers, Andrew and Eric are being held hostage by four people who are "the four horsemen of the apocalypse".

Sounds, phenomenal right? It was but then .... then pacing and the word fluff was offsetting. I was expecting to be frightened, as we are in the midst of a a pandemic but instead I found myself pushing through the novel to get to the end. The end left me wanting to pound my head into the wall. 

I understand the purpose of the end and why Tremblay chose to end it in that matter but I didn't like it.  Oddly enough I can see this book working as a movie and it would be one of those rare cases in which the movie is better than the book. 

Don't discount this read because the idea behind it is great, just prepare yourself for some lag and frustration and some heartbreak.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes: A Novel by Elissa R Sloan

 Are you or have you ever been addicted to celebrity drama? Do you visit celebrity blogs or google your favorite celebrity to read up on what they are doing or to get your dose of gossip? If you do this book is for you! 

Our four characters are Cassidy, Merry, Yumi, and Rose and this is their story and what happens when the rise and fall of fame consumes them and how it impacts them differently. The story is told in four different narratives and details before Gloss made headlines, during their rise of fame and then ---- then the suicide of Cassidy Holmes, fifteen years after she walked out on the band.

Expect a lot of 2000's nostalgia and to be entertained for hours! This is one of my favorite reads this year! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Do you ever read a book because you feel obligated to? Ever read a book because it's part of a series and you feel that you HAVE to? If you  haven't, where have you been hiding and teach me y
our secrets. Midnight Sun is an "obligation" book for me. The read wasn't as terrible as I  expected but it also took me way too long to finish this book to completion. 

This book is Edwards version of, Twilight.  Edward is crazier and stalkier than I thought. He is insufferable and creepier. I have second hand embarrassment for him. He is 100 plus years old and you'd think he would have grown some but nope, he is stuck in teen angst.

 I feel that if Edward was human, he'd be behind bars for stalking, Bella.

The narration is overwritten and I feel like I am being tortured but in an entertaining way. Edward is obsessive and anxiety ridden. 

Their are some good and interesting bits. Stuff that readers didn't know about before and background information on Edward's past and a few insights into the other Vampires in particular Rosalie (which left me wanting to know more about her) , how Alice was create and Emmet is oddly lovable! A few scenes are expanded upon and we learn a tiny bit more about Charlie, who is my favorite character. 

Just know that this is the exact same book just from Edwards mind. Read if if you want some giggles. Also? What is up with the cover. It grosses me out. 

Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #4) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Claudia and Mean Janine is the 4th book and I read it after book 5! I would recommend reading them in order due to minor information but it...