Friday, September 13, 2019

Dominicana by Angie Cruz (Author)

Ana Cancion is only fifteen years old and lives in the Dominican.  Juan Ruiz is twice her age and proposes to her. Her family forces her  to accept his proposal. With the proposal comes major changes.  She leaves the country she imagined growing old in and immigrates to America.

On a cold, winter day in 1965 she arrived in New York City. She doesn't love or know her new husband. He brings her into their apartment and promptly leaves her to fend for herself. He returns and leaves for days, even weeks at a time. Her life is miserable and she is lonely. He is abusive and unfaithful.

 She makes a plan to escape but it's foiled when she meets Juan's brother, Cesar. He convinces her to stay and for a brief moment her life has happiness. Cesar allows her to take classes to learn English and shows her the beauties of NYC, while Juan temporarily returns to the  Dominican. Ana is finally free and happy but then Cesar returns to NYC...

Ana's voice draws you in from page one to the the very last. The character growth is incredible and she evolves from this timid, innocent young girl to a brave, independent woman. The characters are real, honesty and full of faults. The story tells itself and flows off the pages with ease. Be prepared to get nothing done once you start reading this book because it's impossible to walk away from.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Birthday Girl by Melissa de la Cruz

 Ellie is turning forty and in typical Ellie fashion she is hosting a huge celebration party at her newly purchased home in Palm Springs. Ellie has invited everyone she knows and has everything is planned to the smallest detail however .... Things go array at the last minute, the flowers are wilting, something peculiar is up with her husband, her best friend can't make it and her step-daughter has returned home unexpectedly from college, her business is up in the air and  let's not forget that someone from her past has decided to drop in and join the celebration.

This thriller is told in alternating chapters flipping back between the ages of 16 and 40. The contrasts between 16 year old and 40 year old Ellie are vastly different in terms of life styles and character. 40 year old Ellie isn't nearly as interesting as 16 year old Ellie. The story and plot gets darker as the story unfolds and and the twist and turns are done in a manner that doesn't reveal the story until the author is ready to tell it.

This is a fun, easy read that will be sure to entertain.

* I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #4) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Claudia and Mean Janine is the 4th book and I read it after book 5! I would recommend reading them in order due to minor information but it...