Thursday, May 17, 2012

The List by Siobhan Vivian

Once a year, before homecoming at Mount Washington High School a list appear. This list ranks 8 girl, 2 from each class in order from prettiest to ugliest. This is their story and how the list impacts each girl.  No one knows who writes the list or how it gets passed down. 

Each girl tells her own story. Being on the list negatively impacts those chosen and complicates their lives. Their stories are weaved effortlessly and Vivian manages to tell each point of view with ease. The story flows and keeps you rather intrigued. 

Vivian captures teen angst at its best. Her teen character's seem real. She brings the cattiness and the drama of teen life, alive.

With the exception of the rushed ending, I enjoyed this book quite a lot.

Grade: A

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