Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tilt by Elizabeth Burns

Tilt is a semi-compelling story about a family and their struggles with such things as autism, manic depression and suicide attempts.

The writing style, takes a bit to get use to and if you can successfully struggle through the first few chapters, the time you take to read this novel becomes worth it.

Burns, captures what it is like to struggle with mental health issues and the death of loved ones.
It can become depressing, dramatic and a bit unreal at moments.

Check it out from the library or borrow from a friend.

Grade: C+

Which could also be the same as saying everything's impossible in this family. It's the tightrope I walk between the Irish knowledge that cookies always crumble, and the Midwestern fact that a sunny disposition can get you anywhere...

Bridget Fox's life is full of blessings, including her husband Pierce, a talented sculptor, and her two delightful daughters. But her elder daughter, Maeve, doesn't seem to be developing the way she's supposed to. She doesn't respond when she's called. She doesn't like to be touched, and the slightest disturbance sends her into a frenzy. Suddenly Bridget, who has plenty of experience with travel and art and sophisticated pleasures, is facing challenges she's never imagined. And as she copes with loss, change, and uncertainty-sometimes with nothing to hold on to but Maeve, and her sense of humor- she begins to find a strength she's never imagined...

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