Monday, August 11, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

As a fan of the, Twilight Series, I too had been anxiously awaiting Breaking Dawn. The book while not disappointing was quite predictable and not nearly as great as the 3 previous novels in this series. It was heavy on the drama but then what vampire life wouldn't be? There were many things I disliked about the book but there were many things I did like. I am glad to see the in many ways, Bella has grown but I missed the sweet relationship aspect between Bella and Edward. Breaking Dawn kept me interested if nothing else, I wanted to see if the ended was what I thought it would be (it was!). The book kept me entertained and I liked that the characters were a bit different than in the previous books because we all change over time and by maintaining the same persona life would be quite boring. I know there are a lot of negative reviews out there but it isn't nearly as terrible as everyone claims. I think a lot of people didn't like it because it is quite different from the previous books. 

Grade: B

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