Monday, August 4, 2008

Beauty Queen by Linda Glovach

Beauty Queen is written in diary format, the reading itself easy quick and easy however the book is predictable. The character is suppose to be 19 but she writes as though she was 13. This book is they story of a young girl who travels down a fast spiralling dark journey of drugs, sex and low self esteem. It lacks substance and reality.

Beauty Queen does is not very detailed and it leaves out very important parts of addiction. They synopsis and cover are the most interesting part of this book. I would have rather read about the authors own addiction with drugs. Skip it and move on to another book on your list.

I felt the prick of the needle, but only for a second, because this great rush of warmth quickly followed, encompassing my whole body from my toes right up to the top hair on my head. I couldn't move for a minute as she guided the needle in and out of my vein. When she was done, I felt like I had entered heaven. I looked in the mirror and felt beautiful and confident. I felt this great peace, at last, a warmth, and I knew that everything was going to be okay--and really always had been. Like time had stopped and I was floating on a cloud.
"Writing the book, I saw my old dope dealer and bought $1,500 worth of pure heroin--Brown Gold--and started shooting up ten times a day to get the feel of the book. Well, I did, all right. I ended up in Glen Cove General, almost dead. In truth, you make a deal with the Devil. He takes away your pain, but he owns you. You live for the next fix. After a while, it's totally physical; your body has to have it. But I'm off it for good."-- Linda Glovach

Grade: D

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