Saturday, July 29, 2023

Under the Influence Hardcover – August 8, 2023 by Noelle Crooks

Expected Publication Date: August 8, 2023

Harper Cruz lives in New York and works in the publishing world. She is stuck in one dead end job after another. Harper applies to a job that seems too good to be true. The job is for famous influencer, Charlotte Green. The salary is quite generous but the job is in Nashville, TN.  Under pressure and without much time to think Harper accepts the job. Upon lading in Nashville without time to breath or organize herself, Harper finds herself jumping into her work at "The Greenhouse".

The Greenhouse appears fun and quirky but something is peculiar about it. There are mandatory dance parties, group activities and requirements to post on social media. The hours are LONG but Harper doesn't mind too much as she is enjoying her job. Then things start to go amiss 
and the glitter and glam of the office starts to fade away. 

Under the Influence builds up slowly and the reader sees whats happening way before the characters do. Working at the Greenhouse gives MLM and Cult like vibes. The characters are well developed and push the storyline along. There are some moments where I struggled as reader to get through the story but am thankful I continued on as the story ended up being an overall good read.

*** I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Friday, July 28, 2023

The Love Wager (Mr. Wrong Number, #2) by Lynn Painter

 Hallie and Jack met at a wedding. He was a guest. She was the bartender. She snuck out of his room the following morning but their paths would cross again. The run across one another on a dating app, making a love wager and become fast friends. Friends who are falling for one another but too scared and stubborn to let the other one know.

The book is predictable but the moments leading up are adorable and filled with easy banter. Easy read that is swoon worthy. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Their Vicious Games | by Joelle Wellington


                                    Expected publication date: July 25, 2023

            In one moment in time. In a fit of anger Adina Walker lost it all.  Her spot at at an Ivy League School and her status at as a popular girl as the elite and prestigious Edgewood Academy. Adina is a minority. She is a black teen at a school compromised many of white students. Students who's parents have deep pockets while her parents work at the Academy. She worked so hard to earn a spot to only have it lost and left with nothing however an invitation to The Vicious Games. A game with a long buried secret history that is hosted by the uber wealthy Remington family. The winner of the game opens a world of power and wealth to the winner. Adina is determined to win the games but the costs are heavy.

Their Vicious Game is an addictive read. The characters are well developed and the plot keeps you turning the pages. This book is for those who are fans of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins,  Perfected Series by Kate Jarvin Birch and The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

*** I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Other Woman | by Jane Green

 Jane Green is one of the authors who's books I pick up without reading the synopsis. I go in without any background knowledge and just start reading. Imagine my surprise when I found out "the other woman" was a mom and not a "other woman". 

Ellie has just gotten engaged to Dan. She's never really had a close family dynamic of her own and as a result she is excited to join the close knitted Copper Clan. Dan's mother, Linda is welcoming and makes Ellie feel part of the family but soon Ellie becomes less than thrilled with her soon to be mother in law and she takes over wedding plans and becomes immersed into their lives. 

This book is told from Ellie's point of view and there are often times that I find her to be unlikable and a spoiled brat! This makes her character real and helps the story carry forward and in believable manner. I actually like Linda more than Ellie and side with Dan but that's part of what makes the book entertaining.

Super easy read for the hot days of summer. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Becoming the Boogeyman | by Richard Chizmar

Expected Publication Date: October 10. 2023

Becoming the Boogeyman is the second installment in this series. While it's still good it just doesn't have the same punch as Chasing the Boogeyman. That doesn't meant it isn't good because it is but one can't recapture the excitement and uniqueness of the first novel. It is a nice addition and it seem as though it is set up for another installment.

Chizman continues to write the book as though it is non-fiction giving it the true crime appeal many of us crime junkies seek. It's decades later and Richard and his family are living a seemingly normal life. The Boogeyman is behind bars, Rich's book has been a hit and then copycat kills start again. Richard finds himself being stalked and with this the creep factor goes up quite a few notches giving you a few thrills and chills. 

Expect some fun Steven King Easter eggs and a slightly unexpected plot twist. 

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

A Likeable Woman by May Cobb


Expected Publication Date:  July 11, 2023

Kira left her hometown after her mothers suspicious suicide. She reluctantly returns to get some information her grandmother has held back pertaining to her mother and to attend a the vow renewal of a high school friend (enemy?).

Kira has never believed that her mom took her own life and her mourning is amplified by no one believing her but she's bound and determined to find out the truth. A Likeable Woman is told by Kira and Sadie (Kira's mother) in alternating points of view. Kira's life if further complicated when an old friend/crush also returns to their hometown stirring up old feelings she has for him. Her relationship with her sister is complicated, a bit ugly and not so nice which makes attending the vow renewal and being around the old crowd all that more difficult. 

This is a fast read and that is engaging. I don't always like Kira or understand why she cut her grandmother off. I like Sadie's mother a lot more than Kira and can understand why Kira feels the way she does. There are a lot of pieces to this mystery puzzle and about 60% of the way I had a suspect and it turned out to be the person I thought it was however that did not take away from all the delicious details. 

*** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Storyteller of Auschwitz by Siobhan Curham

Expected publication date: July 13, 2023

Etty is a successful author. She has published four books and has just completed her 5th book in the installment. Etty finds out thru her publisher that they it is now illegal to publish books written by Jews and as a result of that they will be unable to publish hers. Etty is understandably angry and heartbroken. What she doesn't know yet is that her heartbreak will increase 10 fold and she will find herself amongst others fighting for survival at Auschwitz. 

Etty uses her story abilities to help keep spirits up amongst the other women suffering under the autoricites of Hitler. Etty's gift of storytelling helps her forge bonds with other women in the camp and from them they are able to gather strength to go on despite the horrors that met them everyday. 

Curham's writing is powerful and emotional. This novel like others about the Holocaust put me in a dark, depressing place but they are important to read and to remember those who died and those who  survived. #NeverAgain

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

People to Follow by Olivia Worley

Expected publication date: October 31, 2023

A beautiful isolated island. Ten influencers participating in a reality show. A dead body and then the dead continue to pile up. They are cut off from society and stranded. No means to reach out to the outside world. Everyone is a suspect and they have to participate in the game. A game that reveals secrets. Secrets that will get them cancelled in more ways than one. 

There are more twists and turns than you can count. All the characters are unreliable and as a reader you trust no one.  There are 10 characters each with their own story/narration. Initially it's rather confusing and you feel overwhelmed but as time passes and characters are "cancelled" the plot is easier it is to follow and the characters voices become more unique.

Super fast pace, dark and exciting. I couldn't put the book down! I want to see it made into a TV series. 

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #4) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Claudia and Mean Janine is the 4th book and I read it after book 5! I would recommend reading them in order due to minor information but it...