Friday, October 30, 2020

Younger by Pamela Redmon Satran

 This is the book that inspired the TV series, Younger but it falls short. I loved the series and am addicted to it so when I was given an opportunity to listen to it on audible for free, I jumped at it and boy was I disappointed.

This is one of those super rare instances in which the TV show is better than the book. The characters are quite different and as a result of that so are the arcs.  I didn't really care for any of the characters in the book but this could possibly be because the TV series has been done such a good job that I can't imagine the characters any other way!  

 If you aren't familiar with this story, it's about a 40+ year old woman who re-enters the work force after having left it to raise her daughter.  She presents herself as a young 20 something to get  a job in publishing. She also gets involved in a relationship with a 20 something man named, Josh who doesn't know her real age.  This leaves,  Alice juggling a lot of balls in the air and it's only a matter of time before the fall.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Zack Morris Lied 329 Times!: Reassessing every ridiculous episode of "Saved by the Bell" ... with stats by Matt Pais


Saved by the Bell was a pivotal part of my childhood. I lived for Saturday Mornings and watching Zack and the Gang.  Zack to the Future podcast let me to this book. If you aren't aware of the podcast or the reboot, you need to catch up! The podcast can be found HERE

Zack Morris Lied 329 Times, revisits all of the Saved by the Bell episodes, with the exception of Good Morning Miss Bliss.  It's a fun look at the past and a trip down memory lane.  I learned a few new things and was reminded of others I had forgotten.

There are interviews with cast members which add to the enjoyment of reading this book. This is a must read for all SBTB fans. I am so EXCITED and you will be too!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The End of October Novel by Lawrence Wright

Lawrence Wright has done his research. He not only understands virus's but he gets them. The way they play out and the way society reacts to them.  He wrote this before the Covid-19 pandemic hit and it's chilling how spot on he is but not terribly surprising if you know how the 1918 Pandemic played out. With all that being said - I don't think this book would have such a punch to it if we were not in the midst of a pandemic. 

The book starts off rather strong but then loses steam however that doesn't mean that you aren't wrapped up in the virus. The characters aren't likable and there is a lot going on but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read it. Just don't go in expecting too much.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Welcome to the United States of Anxiety - by Jen Lancaster

 What did I just read? What happened to Jen Lancaster? I feel that reading her books these days are a hit and miss. This one is is a mixed bag of peanuts.

Jen is still clever but something is amiss. I can't quite figure it out either. She's still snarky (which I love), she still 'her"but for lack of a better word, she rambles on and on and on and ...  

I have to ask if she just writing for the sake of writing? 

Her use of Maslow’s Hierarchy is rather interesting and her footnotes reflect the research put into it the book. They are rather educating and interesting but I miss the "old" Jen. 

Mary Anne Saves the Day: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #3) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Third book in the BSC series. Mary Anne is the main subject of this one. The BSC girls get into an argument and aren't talking! Mary Ann...