Sunday, June 29, 2008

Roommates by Whitney Lyles

Roommates is a run of the mill, average chick-lit book.

Nothing spectacular and of course the entire obnoxious roommate thing is played out well. Anyone who has, had roommates from hell (As, I did in college) will laugh out loud and understand the "hell" Elise goes through in this novel.

Lyle's does a great job at making San Diego jump out of the pages (or that might just be because I live in SD and know the places she is talking about).

Roommates is an easy read and can be finished in a day of less. A good beach read or a good book to read on the plane.

Grade: C+

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here Comes The Bride by Whitney Lyles

Here Comes The Bride, is a cute, quirky, fun read!

The books is not just for brides, it's for all, attached, engaged, married or single. I have not read the other books in this series but it was easy to follow and since the characters are already developed you fall right into the pace of the novel.

The book is a bit silly at time but it doesn't take away from the overall enjoyment.

Grade: B

Monday, June 23, 2008

Charmed Thirds by Megan Mccafferty

Mccafferty once again charms us in "Charmed Thirds".

Her witty writing style and her ability to keep one entertained, turning page after page is amazing. I loved her two previous books in this series, "Sloppy Firsts" & Second Helpings and you will love the third.

This book does a great job of keeping up with the story line from the previous two. Jessica Darling does a lot of growing up in this book and her odd thoughts and antics are still as funny as ever.

Previous characters make cameo's adding to the real life aspect of this book (spoken from a girl who also grew up on a small city). The only thing some readers (not me!) might find offensive is that there is more sexual references and expletives than previously.

As always, Mccafferty's writing is intelligent, refreshing and enjoyable.

Grade: A-

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Too Big To Miss by Sue Ann Jaffarian

Too Big To Miss is boring, boring, boring!

The mystery is "OK" but I have to admit readers, I had to plow through this one to finish it. If you want a really fun mystery book where a character is not a in-mini read Meg Cabot's, Healther Wells Series ( Size 12 is Not Fat, Size 14 is Not Fat Either and Big Boned).

This book could have been much better if it didn't dwell on the size of the character and preach "size acceptance".

Do me a favor save yourself some time, frustration and annoyance and pick up Meg Cabot and leave this book on the shelf.

Grade: D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

When Secrets Die by Lynn Hightower

When Secrets Die starts off strong, ends weak and is very predictable.

Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy is the story line and it's overdone and over analyzed. The book has the potential to be great but instead it disappoints it's not the "legal , medical thriller" it makes it's self out to be.

The villain is obvious and the end predictable and quickly done as an after thought.

Grade: B-

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky

Family Tree is predictable yet interesting. It is an easy and fast read without the usual sappy, overly dramatic romance of some of her other novels.

Delinsky uses this book to looking into racial issues and how our society can still view those who have different colored skin. This book brings up many issues possibly the most important one being are we racists even if we don't think we are?

This story line is gripping and holds your attention with every page you turn. This book deals with class, society, family, history, trust, love and racism all it's worst and best.

Great read pick it up today!

Grade: A-

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz

Blood Bloods starts of slow but ends with a bang!

This is not your typical vampire book in fact you're well into the novel before you start to get into the true logistics of the vampire mythology and new concepts pertaining to vampires.

 The book is interesting but not nearly as good as the Twilight Series despite this it was so entertaining that I finished yet another book in less than a day!  The books has secrets between families and friends that make the vampire life all that more intriguing.

This book is a merging of vampire culture, history and modern day. De La Cruz  adds a new insight to Vamps and gives a semi- refreshing look into vamps..

 However De La Cruz is no Stephenie Meyer but while we wait for the 4th book in the Cullen's series to come out this will help to cut the edge off. 

I will read the sequel eventually as it too seems intriguing. Masquerade here I come... 

P.S  The third novel in this series Blue Bloods: Revelations is expected to be out in October of 2008.

Grade: A-

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult

Picoult's novel, "Plain Truth" is amazing and gives you a insiders look into the lives, customs and belief's of the Amish or as they call themselves "Plain".

This novel is moving and addictive! It provides depth and loads of information  not only the culture of the Amish but there perceptions and naivety about the "outside" world. This novel is an eye-opening experience for the reader and as the plot thickens you sympathize with Katie who is accused of murder and all those around her.

Plain Truth is truly compelling and explores the touchy subject of neonatacide without being disturbing.

This legal mystery will keep you at the edge of your seat and as secrets unfold you will astonished, amazed and angry.

I read this novel is less than 24 hours and I won't be surprised if you do too!

Grade: A

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Poisoned Love by Caitlin Rother

Caitlin Rother is a first time writer. Her novel, Poisoned love is average, not great, not horrible. The reading is simple enough but you don't learn anything new from this crime that you didn't learn from watching the story on T.V.

If your interested in the case go ahead and pick it up but if your looking for more or new information on the case look at a different source.

I feel that the writer excuses Kristen's actions because of her drug use rather then her selfishness to use drugs, have an affair and then murder her husband. The book is more abour Kristen and her family, leaving Greg and his family in limbo.

Grade: C

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mistaken Identity: Two Families, One Survivor, Unwavering Hope by Don & Susie Van Ryn, Newell, Colleen & Whitney Cerak, Mark Tabb

Mistaken Identity had the potential to be a phenomenal story of love, miracles and heartache. Like many other people around the world I was memorized by this story however the excessive religious passages taken away from what could have been an amazing story.

The story is full of compassion, from both families that endured these horrific events. You also read about the kindness of friends and stranger, yet the book seems to focus more on religion and how this "one" story caused many to convert to Christianity. Which in my opinion takes away from the struggles both families faced in their time of loss.

This book is filled with Far too much scripture and prayer which takes away from the true issues surrounding this story. This story left me with more questions than answers. How is it possible that the family was allowed to not identify the body and someone else did it. When my father died, I not only had to identify his body once but several times. At the funeral home, the church and before they closed the casket.

The book does not cover the accident itself and flips back and forth making reading at times difficult due to the numerous amounts of people involved.

I was also left to wonder about Laura and her family once it was discovered the Laura was Whitney.... This story is also Laura's and I felt as though her death was glossed over.

Grade: C-

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Sunday Wife by Cassandra King

This novel was surprisingly good, much better than I thought it was going to be. It's not riddled with the religious undertones that I thought it would be. It focuses on the characters and the relationships they develop with others.

The scenes are so vivid you feel as thought you could step right into them.

The last half of the book was so intriguing that I couldn't but it down however despite some surprises the novel falls into a path of predictability that readers have come to expect from most novelists today.

This predictability does not take too much from the reader in fact it makes you turn the pages quicker to see if your prediction comes to fruition.

Many of the characters are among those we find and interact with in life regardless if we want to.

A simple yet entertaining read.

Grade: B

Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #4) by Raina Telgemeier (Adapter, Illustrator), Ann M. Martin (Author)

Claudia and Mean Janine is the 4th book and I read it after book 5! I would recommend reading them in order due to minor information but it...