Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Forest of Hands and Teeth By Carrie Ryan

I am rereading The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I first ready it back in 2010. Here is a link to that review in the event that you are interested. Click HERE.

I was surprised by how much I had forgotten but not surprised at all by how much I still LOVE this book.

Seven generations (or so) have passed since the Zombie outbreak. A small village of survivors is living inside a fenced in area of the forest, known as The Forest of Hand and Teeth. Outside the fences the unconsecrated "live". Their moans are constant and like a background noise one has become accustomed to.

The village is essentially ruled by The Sisterhood and protected by The Guardians.  We have a handful of vital characters each amazing developed and our most flawed yet main character is Mary. She is by far my favorite.

Through pictures and stories passed on to her, Mary dreams of the ocean and buildings that reach into the sky but she has been taught that her village is the last surviving one and it is up to her and the others to keep humanity alive.

A series of events unfold and Mary is forced into joining The Sisterhood but her curious and  inquisitive mind lead her to discover that not everything they have been told is truth. A breach in the fence lines causes chaos and puts Mary and a few select into a journey plagued by heartache and life alternating choices.

I understand that many people didn't care for the ending of this novel but for me it was perfect!

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