Saturday, October 12, 2024

When We Were Friends by Jane Green

First published October 1, 2024

When We Were Friends is a short story by Jane Green. It can easily be read in under thirty minutes as it is only 44 pages in length. 

Lucy is divorced and  is enjoying the simple things in life. Elle is young and hip and when Lucy and Elle has a chance meeting they become quick friends. The type of friendship that is forged fast and hard. Lucy introduces Elle to some of her friends and she sees a new side of Elle. Can their friendship survive this?

This is a well developed story with interesting characters. I would have liked more story simply because I enjoy Jane Green as an author. 

* I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest  review. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen


First Published August 6, 2024 

Stella Hudson is a best interest attorney. She has been assigned to work as counsel for Rose Barclay in a custody case. Rose is only nine years old. She usually avoids working with children this young due to her traumatic childhood. She has agreed to work this case because Rose is suffering from traumatic mutism something that Stella understands as she too had it as a child. Stella needs to work closely with the family and determine which parent should have custody of little Rose.

Rose witnessed the death of her nanny. It may or may not have been an accident. Upon entering the home Stella feels uneasy and the more time she spends with the Barclay's the more twisted everything and everyone becomes. The Barclay's have secrets and everyone is a suspect. Things intensify when Stella starts to experience some of the same episodes that Tina (the nanny) did. Stella needs to find out just exactly what's going on in order to ensure which parent is best one to get full custody of Rose but will she lose her own life in the process?  

House of Glass if a FAST paced read. It had my full attention. The read is intense and kept me guessing. My ONLY issue with the book was that I simply could not figure out the imagery of the window and the house. 

*I have been provided a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 



Thursday, October 3, 2024

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I was able to read an ARC of Gone Girl in 2012. I read it again in 2016 and I found myself revisiting it again this year. 

This book gets better with each read. It becomes darker, more deranged and the characters are people we don't want to know but enjoy reading about. 

If you haven't read Gone Girl or seen the movie where the heck have you been?  This is about a couple who are meant for one another but should have never crossed paths because together they are a total disaster. They bring out the worst in each other and are the villian's in each others story. 

Amy and Nick Dunne are both writers, who lost their jobs and left Amy's beloved New York. They moved to Nick's hometown to care of his ailing mother. They live in a house Amy hates and on the morning of their 5th wedding anniversary Amy goes missing.

Nick is the immediate suspect. He swears he hasn't harmed Amy or know where she is but evidence points otherwise. As evidence piles up and secrets come out the stakes get higher and you're left to wonder if Nick will end up behind bars. 

This book is deliciously wicked. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

33 Unplayed Voicemails by Melissa de la Cruz

I have always been a fan of Melissa de la Cruz and when I found 33 Unplayed Voicemails available on audible I immediately downloaded it. It is only 2.5 hours and if you have a membership with audible it's currently available for "free". 

Evelyn and Marco are about to walk down the aisle but .... Marco might just be left at the alter. The story unfolds over voicemails Evelyn and Marco leave one another. Voicemails neither of them listen too! As you can imagine this causes some issues and miscommunication.

I really enjoyed listening to this. It's enjoyable and makes time past quickly! 

When We Were Friends by Jane Green

First published October 1, 2024 When We Were Friends is a short story by Jane Green. It can easily be read in under thirty minutes as it is ...